The True Seeker

Only when the lamp of search, of earnest striving, of longing desire, of passionate devotion, of fervid love, of rapture, and ecstasy, is kindled within the seeker’s heart, and the breeze of His loving-kindness is wafted upon his soul, will the darkness of error be dispelled, the mists of doubts and misgivings be dissipated, and the lights of knowledge and certitude envelop his being. At that hour will the Mystic Herald, bearing the joyful tidings of the Spirit, shine forth from the City of God resplendent as the morn, and, through the trumpet-blast of knowledge, will awaken the heart, the soul, and the spirit from the slumber of heedlessness. Then will the manifold favors and outpouring grace of the holy and everlasting Spirit confer such new life upon the seeker that he will find himself endowed with a new eye, a new ear, a new heart, and a new mind. He will contemplate the manifest signs of the universe, and will penetrate the hidden mysteries of the soul. Gazing with the eye of God, he will perceive within every atom a door that leadeth him to the stations of absolute certitude.

Monday, January 15, 2007

How to <insert task>

Whether you just got a harebrained idea or you've pondered it for years, whether you feel incarcerated in the prison of self or feel free of free will, whether your aim is to better yourself or to build a peacful and harmonious Kingdom, there are three simple steps to achieve.

"The attainment of any object is conditioned upon knowledge, volition and action. Unless these three conditions are forthcoming there is no execution or accomplishment. In the erection of a house it is first necessary to know the ground and design the house suitable for it; second, to obtain the means or funds necessary for the construction; third, to actually build it. Therefore a power is needed to carry out and execute what is known and admitted to be the remedy for human conditions; namely, the unification of mankind...."

`Abdu'l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, pg 157
What if it's hard?
"To try, to persevere, is to ensure ultimate and complete victory."

from a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi
What if someone wants to do it differently?
"Whoever consults, he is not denied attaining the right, and whoever leaves it falls into deviation."

a reported statement of Muhammad

1 comment:

Phillipe Copeland said...

Nice site you have here. I've included you as a link on my blog, Baha'i Thought. Yes, we do hafta save the world.